It’s News Too Good to Keep to Ourselves
In the concluding comments of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus commissioned the disciples to take the gospel into all the world. If we continue to follow Jesus, He will lead us to people and places that need to hear the gospel.

Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

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It’s News Too Good to Keep to Ourselves
In the concluding comments of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus commissioned the disciples to take the gospel into all the world. If we continue to follow Jesus, He will lead us to people and places that need to hear the gospel.
Options for Mark’s Ending
- Why is the ending of Mark so uncommon from the rest of his book and missing in various early manuscripts?
- Intentionally Abrupt Ending – Did Mark intend to leave his readers in suspense regarding what happened next?
- Unfortunately Lost Ending – Did Mark have an ending to his gospel that went missing in the early days of transcribing?
- Circumstantially Prevented Ending – Was Mark unable to finish his book personally and someone else finished the task?
- It seems as if someone else wrote the last few verses of Mark.
- No doctrine is altered by this section’s absence or presence.
Commands for Our Living (16:9-20)
- If Jesus truly was resurrected, what does that change for us?
- Jesus’ proof of his life after death should alter the purpose of our lives before death.
- Those who have been saved by the good news should share the good news with others.
- Jesus guarantees ultimate protection for those sharing the gospel among the nations.
- Disciples of Jesus are those who are known to be working with the Lord.
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