Urban Missions

As we think about missions, one important and sometimes neglected aspect of missions is urban missions. Urban missions focus on the cities of the world.
Marty Miller
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Urban Missions

As we think about missions, one important and sometimes neglected aspect of missions is urban missions. Urban missions focus on the cities of the world.
April 6, 2023
Marty Miller
  • Urban missions focus on the cities of the world. 
  • “If we are to reach the world of the twenty-first century, we must reach its cities.”  (Harvie Conn)
  • Acts 1:8 – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth

Urban Understanding and Statistics

  • There is a great need to understand the importance of urban missions.
  • Historically, missions were viewed as going into villages, but missiological research reveals there is a great need for urban missions. 
  • Statistics help us gain knowledge and wisdom about our city’s landscape.

Ten Largest Cities of the World

  1. Tokyo (Population: 37,435,191)
  2. Delhi (Population: 29,399,141)
  3. Shanghai(Population: 26,317,104)
  4. Sao Paulo(Population: 21,846,507)
  5. Mexico City(Population: 21,671,908)
  6. Cairo (Population: 20,484,965)
  7. Dhaka(Population: 20,283,552)
  8. Mumbai(Population: 20,185,064)
  9. Beijing (Population: 20,035,455)
  10. Osaka(Population: 19,222,665)

Ten Largest Cities in the United States by Population 2023

  1. New York City, NY (Population: 8,622,357)
  2. Los Angeles, CA (Population: 4,085,014)
  3. Chicago, IL (Population: 2,670,406)
  4. Houston, TX (Population: 2,378,146)
  5. Phoenix, AZ (Population: 1,743,469)
  6. Philadelphia, PA (Population: 1,590,402)
  7. San Antonio, TX (Population: 1,579,504)
  8. San Diego, CA (Population: 1,469,490)
  9. Dallas, TX (Population: 1,400,337)
  10. San Jose, CA (Population: 1,036,242)

Greenville Statistics

Greenville, S.C. – Population – 74,000 plus

Greenville County – Population – Over 500,00 and increasing.

Three Important Things In Relation (Statistics/Urban Mission)

  • Phenomenal Growth
    • Because of the phenomenal growth in cities, there is a renewed urgency to minister to the world's cities for Christ.  
  • Growth of Cities (Southern Hemisphere)
    • Nineteenth and early twentieth century urban growth took place in the Western nations of the world.
  • Enormous Socioeconomic Need 
    • In the early twentieth century the majority of the poor lived in rural settings.
    • Each city has an enormous socioeconomic need, and the church has an opportunity to respond to these needs within their communities and cities.  

The Importance of Cities For Mission

  • Cities have an enormous number of people who may not know the gospel.  Therefore, statistics help us understand the strategic importance of urban missions.
  • Due to the sheer number of people in urban settings, cities have quickly become a place open with opportunity for churches. 
  • Cities are powerfully shaping cultures and nations, even exerting influence over global cities of the world, and vice versa.

Agenda For Urban Mission  

  • Being intentional in the city to reach people for Christ is a primary concern. 
  • Christians can engage the secular city, with evangelism and apologetics, and be on mission for Christ.
  • The church and individual believers can be salt and light as they work, address the topics and issues in the public sector, and simply build relationships with people. 
  • Discipleship is a key element in training believers to be a gospel witness within their urban mission field. 

Take the Gospel to the City 

  • Believers are to take the good news of Jesus Christ to the world’s cities for God’s glory. 
  • Our very own Taylor Wolfe says, “Confront the darkness.”

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