Contextualization Within Evangelism

Why is contextualization important? So that we might win some to Jesus.
John Austin Roberson
Pastoral Resident

Contextualization Within Evangelism

Why is contextualization important? So that we might win some to Jesus.
January 28, 2025
John Austin Roberson
Pastoral Resident

What is it?

Contextualization has different definitions and can be described in different ways. As it can be a hot topic regarding missions today, the reality is, every Christian is a part of some form of contextualization. Contextualization is everywhere. Our church structure in the West is not exactly like New Testament churches. We have a different feel, sound, and look compared to the churches Paul wrote to in the first century throughout modern day Asia and Europe. The beauty is, there is nothing wrong with this. Contextualization has taken place throughout history and disciples are still being made.

Contextualization can be described as the process of making the gospel and possibly the church have as much of a “home” feel as possible to best fit the given context. From a muslim coming to Christ wrestling with how much of their lives need to change, to the ability to share information from one context to another effectively. Though we may address the former in later articles, we will focus on the latter. We will address contextualization within evangelism.

With that being said, a simple definition in this context is sharing the gospel in a way that others will understand. It does not mean to water down or change the message but rather change the way in which the message is delivered. Contextualization regarding evangelism seeks to communicate Christ in accordance with Scripture. Proper contextualization does not place experience over Scripture but rather allows the Bible to guide the method and practice of evangelizing in a way that others will understand.

Why is it important?

The truth is, we have all experienced contextualization on some level. The gospel without a doubt, has taken cultural form. It is not a question of whether or not the gospel has been shaped by culture, it is rather a question of if contextualization in sharing the gospel is faithful to Scripture. For every Christian, we (hopefully) heard the gospel in a way we understood while also being confronted with truth from Scripture. The message of the gospel was delivered to us as first importance, Christ’ death, burial, and resurrection (1 Cor 15). Nevertheless, the message was presented in a way that made sense to us.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 9 that to the Jew, he became a Jew so that he might win more of them. To the weak, he became weak so that he might win them. He then says he became all things to all people that by all means, he might save some. Paul understood the importance of contextualization. He gave up his rights so that he might win others to Christ.

Why is contextualization important? Paul tells us the simplest answer, yet, an answer that should be our goal as followers of Christ: so that we might win some to Jesus.

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