Just Go!

God calls us to go, even if we may not know what we are going to. If you don’t have a specific assignment, will you seek the Lord? Will you go?
Joy Emery
Connections Coordinator

Just Go!

God calls us to go, even if we may not know what we are going to. If you don’t have a specific assignment, will you seek the Lord? Will you go?
Joy Emery
Connections Coordinator

Many will embark on a grand initiative this week called “Go GVL” to carry out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 in our area. The command to share our faith stories is not an assignment given to only a few but to all believers to share the Gospel and to make disciples. The Great Commission is God’s only plan to reach the lost and dark world with the Good News of Jesus, and we are part of that plan.

Does Evangelism and Discipleship Only Apply During Special Initiatives?

No, the command to go and make disciples is given to all believers. The church should stop waiting for the leaders of the church to call the church to action. Instead, each church member should be looking for areas of influence where it makes sense to share their stories of God’s salvation and God’s faithfulness. Evangelism is a lifestyle, not an event. It’s being sensitive to the people we encounter every day. For instance, it’s “open eyes” to think about the fact that the person standing in front of you in a line or passing food to you at a restaurant could live an eternity in Hell. Do we care enough to ask, “Can I tell you a story about God’s goodness in my life and about His good plans for you?” Satan loves to throw untruths to believers in regard to evangelism and discipleship in the form of these thoughts: “You don’t know enough,” or “People are going to make fun of you,” or “You don’t have time,” or “The person you are concerned about will never believe.” Believers can boldly tell Satan that he will not have power over what God has commissioned Christ followers to accomplish. Instead, just GO!

What If I Don’t Have an Assignment?

“I don’t have a specific assignment” is no excuse for Go GVL or any other time of the year. Let’s think about how simple this could be if we kick Satan and his arsenal of excuses to the curb.

Invite a Family/Friend to a Meal - This idea is for singles, married couples, and families. You or your family can invite a non-churched family in for a meal or take them out to a meal. Share about why faith is important to your family. Share your Gospel story. Invite them to church. Invite your kid’s friends over and help your child tell their Gospel story to their friends. Ask God to save your child’s friends.

Coffee House Evangelism - Pray and look for an opportunity to share your faith in a coffee house. Offer to buy someone’s coffee.

Prayer Walk Your Neighborhood - Get a notebook and write down what you know and observe as you map out a list of neighbors. Do you know their names? It’s unlikely you will ever meet a need without knowing your neighbor’s names. Can you make it your mission to identify everyone on your street. As you walk your street, pray for what the Holy Spirit brings to mind as you see environmental clues.

Sit in Your Driveway with Coffee or Donuts - Offer extra chairs for neighbors to sit with you, chat, and snack.

Take Treats to Your Neighbors - Handwrite a note inviting your neighbors to church with you.

Pray Over a List of the Lost - Invite your Gospel Group/Bible Study Group to your home to talk specifically about how to reach the lost. Ask God to soften your hearts to open up your own homes for new groups to form in order to expand our capacity to reach those coming on Sundays at Rocky Creek. Ask God to light in your heart a fire for evangelism. Ask God to begin to mobilize more of our church members “out” to ministry as opposed to “in” to be ministered to.

Host a Neighborhood Party
Find at least another Christian in your neighborhood or invite a Christian friend to help you host an event in your yard to simply gather your neighbors together. At some point, give a thank-you for coming greeting along with a simple testimony about why community is important to you and what your faith and church community means to you. Invite those with life struggles to always be welcome to show up at your door with their needs.

Currently, our college students are reading, The Fuel and The Flame by Steve Shadrach and Paul Worcester. One of the most convicting quotes from the book is, “The Lord is fulfilling His plan for the ages, and nothing will deter it. We can either get on board with Him and view things from His eternal perspective, or we can live out our quiet little lives, never reaching the God-ordained potential, He has planned for us.” What if, on this side of Heaven, we are missing out because we are saying, “No, I can’t,” to the things God has purposed for us. He is inviting us to an eternal reward through our intentional evangelistic efforts. Let’s “Just Go!” Pray for God to open blind eyes, to open doors to conversation, and to save the lost.

Will You Go?

If you don’t have a specific assignment, will you seek the Lord? Will you go? Will you reach your neighbor? Will you take someone to get coffee? Will you host a prayer meeting to pray for the lost? Will you be a disciple who takes personal responsibility for Kingdom activity? Share your experiences with your ministry leaders. We want to celebrate all that God does in and through your obedience.

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