Where Do We See Contextualization in Scripture?

Though the delivery is different, the message remains the same, Jesus Christ is the hope that offers freedom and righteousness through his life, death, and resurrection.
John Austin Roberson
Pastoral Resident

Where Do We See Contextualization in Scripture?

Though the delivery is different, the message remains the same, Jesus Christ is the hope that offers freedom and righteousness through his life, death, and resurrection.
January 28, 2025
John Austin Roberson
Pastoral Resident

Acts: The Model for Contextualization

The Gospel to the Jews

In the book of Acts, we see contextualization taking place through the work of the apostles. In Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas address the Jewish people in the Synagogue of Pisidian Antioch. From verses 17-41, Paul gives a narrative of Scripture and works through the history of the Old Testament, which the Jews were very familiar with, and turns the focus to the good news found in Jesus. As the Jews were familiar with King David mentioned in Acts 13:22, Paul then states that from the offspring of David came Jesus, a Savior who offers forgiveness and freedom from the law (v. 23, 38, and 39). In doing so, Paul presents the gospel in a way that the Jewish people understood through the narrative of the Old Testament while pointing them to the Savior who offers forgiveness and freedom from the law.

The Gospel to the Gentiles

As we continue in the book of Acts, we see Paul comes to Athens while waiting for the arrival of Silas and Timothy in chapter 17. While he is there, he is provoked as he sees the city is full of idols. He then shares the gospel by telling the people of the unknown god, the one true God, who created the heavens and the earth and does not live in temples made by man (v. 24). While claiming that mankind should seek this one true God, Paul even uses some of Athens’ very own philosophers to demonstrate that humans are made in the image of God (v. 28). Paul then shifts the focus towards Jesus as he claims God will judge the world in righteousness by him through his death and resurrection (v. 31).

The Gospel Message

In both of these stories, it is clear that Paul shares the gospel to both the Jew and Greek context in a way that they understood while being faithful to share the testimony of who God is and his goodness revealed through Christ Jesus. To the Jews, Paul was able to work through the Old Testament to demonstrate that all of the law and the prophets point to Jesus. To the Greeks in Athens, Paul points out that God is the one true God who is the Creator who has made mankind to have a unique relationship with him through Jesus. Though the delivery is different, the message remains the same, Jesus Christ is the hope that offers freedom and righteousness through his life, death, and resurrection.

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