Wherever He Leads, I'll Go
Jesus taught His disciples regarding the incompatible nature of following Him halfway. As He still calls us today, He is expecting us to abandon all this world has to offer for the greater treasure of knowing Him.

Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

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Wherever He Leads, I'll Go
Jesus taught His disciples regarding the incompatible nature of following Him halfway. As He still calls us today, He is expecting us to abandon all this world has to offer for the greater treasure of knowing Him.
Directions (Mark 8:34)
- “Deny himself” – Saying yes to Jesus often means saying no to yourself.
- “Take up his cross” – Death to self is essential for life in Christ.
- “Follow me” – Following Jesus doesn’t mean He blesses my previously charted course.
Possessions (Mark 8:35-37)
- Attempting to protect my life is the most dangerous path of all.
- Prioritizing the world’s possessions endangers me of losing heaven’s rewards.
- Don’t waste your eternal soul on temporal pursuits.
Confessions (Mark 8:38-9:1)
- This sinful world seeks to shame us from boldly standing upon the ministry and message of Jesus.
- No heaven-bound citizen can be ashamed of the message it takes to get there.
- Since the Kingdom comes with power, we can go with assurance.
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