In God We Trust

Trying to trap Jesus in His words, His enemies collaborated in an attempt to force Him to choose a side between God and government. Jesus’ response teaches us what our commitment to both should be.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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In God We Trust

Trying to trap Jesus in His words, His enemies collaborated in an attempt to force Him to choose a side between God and government. Jesus’ response teaches us what our commitment to both should be.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 12:13-17

The Question (Mark 12:13-14)

  • The religious Pharisees and the political Herodians couldn’t stand each other but hated Jesus more.
  • We live in a time when religious and cultural forces are hostile towards the work of Christ.
  • The enemies of Christ can use helpful or hurtful governments to lure believers away from biblical positions.

The Answer (Mark 12:15-17)

  • Any item belongs to the one by whose image it has been stamped.
  • Give to the government what belongs to the government, and give to God what belongs to God.
  • We should obey the government’s stance until it contradicts the Bible’s standard.

The Application

  • If we truly mean in God we trust, then there is no area in our lives outside of His jurisdiction.
  • There is no amount of difference, disability, or deformity in a person that should cause us to deny them dignity.
  • Being pro-life means you want to offer those within the womb the right to make their own choice.
  • Sin disfigures God’s image on us, but Christ came to give us a makeover.

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