Compassion Never Clocks Out

As Jesus mourned the loss of His cousin, He sought solitude but was unable to obtain it due to His prioritizing of others’ needs ahead of His own. When Jesus fed the five thousand, He demonstrated the powerful principle that compassion can never clock out.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Compassion Never Clocks Out

As Jesus mourned the loss of His cousin, He sought solitude but was unable to obtain it due to His prioritizing of others’ needs ahead of His own. When Jesus fed the five thousand, He demonstrated the powerful principle that compassion can never clock out.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 6:30-44

Rest While You Can (Mark 6:30-32)

  • Jesus’ method of discipleship begins with a call to follow and eventually transitions into a call to go.
  • The busier we are, the more necessary it is to retreat regularly with Jesus.
  • Never get over the fact that Jesus makes your concerns His concerns.

Give What You Got (Mark 6:33-38)

  • Ministry is prioritizing others’ needs over your wants.
  • Instead of rushing people off so you can get to your agenda, have you ever considered that maybe they are the agenda?
  • Jesus didn’t demand anything from the disciples that they didn’t have.

Trust Jesus for the Rest (Mark 6:39-44)

  • Jesus obviously doesn’t need our help, but He graciously asks us to be involved.
  • While Jesus might postpone addressing our concerns, He never overlooks them.
  • The most significant gift by Jesus is not a need met but a Shepherd given.

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