Why People Abandon Jesus

Judas betrayed, the disciples fled, the people accused, and Peter denied. After all Jesus had done for this world, the world abandoned Him.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Why People Abandon Jesus

Judas betrayed, the disciples fled, the people accused, and Peter denied. After all Jesus had done for this world, the world abandoned Him.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 14:43-72

The Arrest [14:43-59]

  • Judas abandoned Jesus due to a selfish greed (14:43-45).
  • The disciples abandoned Jesus due to a fearful uncertainty (14:46-52).
  • The religious leaders abandoned Jesus due to their unmet expectations (53-59).
  • All abandoned Jesus when he refused to be created in their own image.

The Confession [14:60-65]

  • Jesus’ silence intentionally forced the high priest to confess the truth he wanted to refuse (14:61).
  • Jesus unashamedly claimed to be the Messiah of the world and the Son of God (14:61-62).
  • Jesus endured wrongful accusation so that he could take the place for our deserving condemnation (14:63-65).

The Denial [14:66-72]

  • Followers of Christ will always struggle between embracing Kingdom suffering or seeking personal comfort (14:67).
  • Denying Jesus and disowning His Church are two inseparable tragedies (14:68-70).
  • Even those who make the most adamant promises to be faithful to God are in desperate need of His grace (14:71-72)
  • If some of the most pathetic figures in this narrative are in heaven right now, what sin could keep you out?
  • Your chance for heaven isn’t based on the crime you committed, but on the plea you entered.
  • For all the times that we have abandoned Jesus, he has never once abandoned us.

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