Hardships Don’t Give a Free Pass for Sin

We often need God’s protection from wicked people, but do we ever consider the protection we need from our own sinful habits? Just because we experience struggles does not mean that we can justify sin.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Hardships Don’t Give a Free Pass for Sin

We often need God’s protection from wicked people, but do we ever consider the protection we need from our own sinful habits? Just because we experience struggles does not mean that we can justify sin.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 141:1-10

Dependent (141:1-2)

  • We must address our concerns by talking to God more than talking to ourselves.
  • Prayer is the ability to talk to the most important Being in the universe about the most important things in our lives.

Determined (141:3-5)

  • Just because we experience struggles does not mean that we can justify sin.
  • It is better for a godly person to rebuke me than an ungodly person to reward me.

Defended (141:6-10)

  • When you try to take retaliation into your own hands, you seek to remove judgment from God’s hands.
  • Following God’s direction will cause your enemies to fall into the trap which they set for you.
Hardships will cause you to either draw close to God or give in to sin.

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