How You Finish Is More Important Than How You Started

Just because David had walked with integrity in the past did not guarantee that he would in the future. Walking with God is a continual commitment to pursuing biblical obedience.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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How You Finish Is More Important Than How You Started

Just because David had walked with integrity in the past did not guarantee that he would in the future. Walking with God is a continual commitment to pursuing biblical obedience.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 26:1-12

Seek Divine Evaluation (1-3)

  • You will never make decisions of which everyone approves, so ensure that the LORD’s affirmation is your ultimate desire.
  • It is better to have been walking with God along the way rather than attempting to when you need His help.

Avoid Hypocritical Companions (4-5)

  • You will reflect the values of those with which you spend the most time.
  • Avoid people who attempt to convince you that following your flesh is justified.

Prioritize Spiritual Habits (6-8)

  • Walking with God is a continual commitment to addressing all components of your spiritual health.
  • You cannot stay spiritually healthy if you neglect gathering in God’s presence with God’s people.

Beware Gradual Complacency (9-12)

  • Past obedience should never produce a current entitlement.
  • Just because you have walked with integrity in the past does not guarantee that you will continue in the future.
What is the greatest danger to you finishing strong?

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