Aging Well

We grow older daily, which positions us closer to our final day than ever before. Age well by presently preparing for your future state.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Aging Well

We grow older daily, which positions us closer to our final day than ever before. Age well by presently preparing for your future state.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8


  • Be as wise as you can by preparing for the future (11:1-2).
  • Don’t procrastinate about what you need to do while waiting for ideal circumstances (11:3-6).
  • Enjoy what you can while you can because our time is limited (11:7-8).
  • Your choice of conduct will either bring joy or judgment (11:9-10).
  • Prepare for eternity while you still have time (12:1-2).
  • Our cognitive and motor skills will decline; we must prepare for that reality now (12:3-7).
  • There is no escaping the truth that life is full of meaningless realities (12:8).


  1. Have you prepared yourself to be in decline?
  2. If your identity is wrapped up in what you can do, you will panic when you can’t accomplish it any longer.
  3. Have you prepared your estate to be a blessing?
    Consider how your Kingdom stewardship could outlive you.
  4. Have you prepared others to be without you?
  5. You will add stress on top of your loved ones’ grief if you fail to get your affairs in order.
  6. Have you prepared your soul to be with Jesus?
  • If you haven’t received the gospel, you have rejected the only way to salvation.

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