Temporal Experiences and Eternal Realities

Time doesn’t slow down, and experiences don’t linger. We will encounter many transitions throughout our lives, but we must prepare for our eternal state, which will not change.
Taylor Wolfe
Missions Pastor
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Temporal Experiences and Eternal Realities

Time doesn’t slow down, and experiences don’t linger. We will encounter many transitions throughout our lives, but we must prepare for our eternal state, which will not change.
Taylor Wolfe
Missions Pastor
Ecclesiastes 3:1-15


  • Solomon observed that life under heaven is limited by time and is cyclical in nature. (v. 1-8)
  • Two words in the Bible that are often used to communicate time:
    • chronos – Χρόνος – time considered as duration (day, hour, minute)
    • kairos – καιρός – convergence of events for specific purpose
  • Our view of time reveals much about our view of God. (v. 9-10)
  • Solomon reminds us that the beauty of eternity will never be fulfilled in this world. (v. 11)
  • Even in the midst of difficult times, we must find joy in our work. (v. 12-13)
  • To fear God is to believe that He remains in control, even when we cannot see how, where, and why He is at work. (v. 14-15)


  • Attempting to control time will leave you disappointed and overwhelmed.
  • Seeking wise counsel at any time is not weakness, it is wisdom.
  • Breaking free of the slavery to time is only possible through the blood of Jesus.
  • When life on this earth concludes, each person will spend eternity somewhere.

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