The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Life is short, eternity is long, and each of us will spend somewhere forever. We can confidently trust Jesus because He has prepared a place in heaven for His followers.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Life is short, eternity is long, and each of us will spend somewhere forever. We can confidently trust Jesus because He has prepared a place in heaven for His followers.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
John 14:1-11

Jesus’ Content

  • Jesus discouraged His disciples from worrying even though He gave them depressing news (14:1; cf. 12:24; 13:21, 38).
  • Heaven is a real place where Jesus is preparing rooms for people like us (14:2).
  • Jesus will return at an unknown time and gather His known disciples (14:3-4).
  • The way isn’t a path, the truth isn’t a principle, and the life isn’t a perspective; they are all a person – Jesus (14:5-7).
  • We know the unseen Father by observing the revealed Son (14:8-11).

Our Consideration

  • If you want to end in the place of heaven, you must go through the person of Jesus.
  • Be encouraged that whatever you temporarily face will not bother you for eternity.
  • If you are convinced that Jesus’ return is drawing near, you should be busy preparing others for it.

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