
The last book of the Bible prepares the Church for our final and eternal reality. The end is nearing, the victory is coming, and our Savior is returning.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The last book of the Bible prepares the Church for our final and eternal reality. The end is nearing, the victory is coming, and our Savior is returning.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

New Testament Recap

  1. Incarnation
  2. Preparation
  3. Ministry
  4. Disciples
  5. Associations
  6. Crucifixion
  7. Resurrection
  8. Commission
  9. Pentecost
  10. Persecution
  11. Damascus
  12. Council
  13. Church
  14. Instructions
  15. Re-Creation

The Vision

  • The Book of Revelation concludes the New Testament and the entire Bible.
  • The book is just one “revelation.”
  • It contains the vision that the Apostle John received while exiled on the island of Patmos.
  • The vision contains future conflict for believers but also promises ultimate victory.

The State of the Church

  • John wrote Revelation as a letter to scattered churches throughout the empire.
  • At the time of writing, the church and the state were on a collision course.
  • Even though it seems the state has won the battle, John says Christ will win the war.


  • The Seven Churches (1-3)
  • The Throne (4-5)
  • The Seven Seals (6-8)
  • The Seven Trumpets (9-11)
  • The Events (12-14)
  • The Seven Bowls (15-16)
  • Babylon (17-19)
  • The Return (19)
  • The Judgment (20)
  • The New Jerusalem (21-22)

The Message of Revelation

  • Jesus has defeated our greatest enemies and ransomed a worldwide people (1:5, 18; 5:5-10; 12:1-11).
  • Jesus is present among His churches through His Holy Spirit, empowering them through their trials and triumphs (1:12-3:22).
  • Jesus is in control of all world events, including its woes and disasters (5:1-8:1).
  • Jesus patiently withholds His wrath for sinners and limits His enemies’ efforts to destroy the Church (6:5-11; 7:1-13; 8:6-12; 9:4-5, 18; 11:3-7; 12:6, 13-17).
  • Jesus restrains world disasters yet uses them as warnings of the escalating judgments to come (6:3-16; 8:6-13; 11:13; 16:1-21; 20:11-15).
  • Jesus will save His people, even if they die in His service at the hands of the dragon and the beast (2:10-11, 26-29; 3:11-13; 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 11:7-12, 17-18; 12:10-11; 14:1-5; 15:2-4; 20:4-6).
  • Jesus’ enemies attack the Church through violent persecution, deceptive teaching, and alluring temptation (2:1-3:22; 13:1-18; 17:1-18:24).
  • Jesus will defeat His enemies once and for all and recreate things as they were supposed to be (16:12-16; 19:11-21; 20:7-22:5).

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