When Depression Deepens

When depression deepens, every person will either draw closer to God or further away from him. When all hope seems to be lost, resolve to hope in God nonetheless.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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When Depression Deepens

When depression deepens, every person will either draw closer to God or further away from him. When all hope seems to be lost, resolve to hope in God nonetheless.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 42:1-11

When You’re Not Where You Want to Be (42:1-4)

  • If you have ever truly experienced the presence of God, no amount of separation is tolerable.
  • Even mature believers can experience depression to a level that is spiritually alarming and physically dangerous.
  • Your level of longing to gather with God’s people in worship tells something about the state of your soul.

When You Don’t Feel How You Want to Feel (42:5-8)

  • We must perform regular self-examination to determine the cause of internal sadness.
  • You must commit to worshiping even when you don’t feel like worshiping.
  • Confront your feelings with your faith in God’s power, trust in God’s control, and belief in God’s love.

When You Don’t Know What You Should Do (42:9-11)

  • God is not intimidated or infuriated by how you feel, so it is best to be honest with him.
  • You must decide if you will view God based on what you know or by what people say.
  • Stop listening to yourself, and start talking to yourself.
  • You will never make progress with depression if you neglect God in your attempts.
  • It is what it is, but it’s not what it always will be.
God is more trustworthy than your feelings.

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