Investigate Me

God is infinitely responsible and yet intimately involved. Since God knows every detail about every person, we are to welcome him to investigate the deepest part of our lives.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Investigate Me

God is infinitely responsible and yet intimately involved. Since God knows every detail about every person, we are to welcome him to investigate the deepest part of our lives.
July 19, 2020
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 139:1-24

God Is All-Knowing (Ps. 139:1-6)

  • God is intimately aware of every single one of my actions, thoughts, and words.
  • God’s detailed investigation of me is comforting and convicting.

God Is All-Present (Ps. 139:7-12)

  • I can never outrun God.
  • God can see clearly even in the darkest of times.

God Is All-Powerful (Ps. 139:13-18)

  • If you feel you were made deficient, then you claim the Maker to be incompetent.
  • God has written chapters in my biography that I haven’t even lived yet.

God Is All-Holy (Ps. 139:19-24)

  • All wicked people will be punished by God unless Jesus becomes their substitute.
  • We need regular examination to determine if we are partakers in what we prohibit.
If God investigated you right now, what would he discover?

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