Why Jesus Died
When followers of Jesus sought to care for the body of Jesus, Pilate was surprised to hear that Jesus died so early in the process. Scripture teaches us not only why He died so early but also why He died so willingly

Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

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Why Jesus Died
When followers of Jesus sought to care for the body of Jesus, Pilate was surprised to hear that Jesus died so early in the process. Scripture teaches us not only why He died so early but also why He died so willingly
- Jesus died earlier than expected due to the extreme abuse by His enemies and the traumatic separation from His Father.
- Skeptics seek to disprove Jesus’ death on the cross or His resurrection from the tomb.
- Scripture reveals the remarkable ways that Jesus’ death fulfilled Old Testament prophecies.
- Jesus didn’t offer a complete sacrifice so you could experience a halfway redemption.
- Jesus died willingly so that you could be forgiven completely.
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