What's the Unforgivable Sin?

Jesus taught that there is a specific sin that is unforgivable by God. What is that sin and how do we avoid it?
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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What's the Unforgivable Sin?

Jesus taught that there is a specific sin that is unforgivable by God. What is that sin and how do we avoid it?
July 15, 2018
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 3:22-30

Refusal of Validation (Mark 3:22)

  • The Jewish experts from the Jewish capital attempted to hinder the Jewish Messiah.
  • They couldn’t deny Jesus’ ability so they tried to invalidate His ministry by demonizing His power.
  • Attributing the work of Jesus as evil is the first step towards the unforgivable sin.

Refusal of Acceptation (Mark 3:23-27)

  • A hardened heart often leads to an irrational logic.
  • Satan lures us to interpret what is good as evil and what is evil as good.
  • Jesus came to bind up the person and work of Satan.

Refusal of Salvation (Mark 3:28-30)

  • There is not a momentary sin so heinous that it is beyond forgiveness.
  • Blasphemy is defiant irreverence and yet even it can be forgiven.
  • Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin.
  • The unforgivable sin is defiantly and ultimately refusing to accept the Holy Spirit’s declaration that Jesus is Lord.
  • If you are concerned that you have committed the unforgivable sin, that almost guarantees that you have not.

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