Fear Not – There Is Good News

The angels announced the gracious and glorious arrival of Jesus to a group of panicked shepherds. The gospel emboldens our lives once we comprehend that Jesus actually came for us.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Fear Not – There Is Good News

The angels announced the gracious and glorious arrival of Jesus to a group of panicked shepherds. The gospel emboldens our lives once we comprehend that Jesus actually came for us.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Luke 2:1–21

The Shepherd’s Situation

  • God orchestrated the birth of Jesus to fulfill all prophecies and to engage all people (2:1-5).
  • The greatest to have ever been born came in the lowliest of circumstances (2:6-7).
  • God delivered the most important news to what society would say were the most insignificant people (2:8-9).
  • The good news of Jesus replaces understandable fear with unexplainable joy (2:10-14).
  • The gift of Christ’s incarnation brought ample reason to praise God and tell others (2:15-20).

Our Application

  • Savior – Jesus came to save you from your sins; stop pretending you don’t have any.
  • Messiah – Jesus came in the humblest of circumstances so you would know you are never beneath His reach.
  • Lord – You don’t adore the baby in a manger if you fail to obey the risen Savior.

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