Fear Not – God’s In This

When the angel informed Joseph of God’s workings regarding Mary, he was willing to go forward with God’s plan. No matter how unconventional God’s plan proves to be, we can go forward if we are confident that God is in it.
Jerry McCorkle
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Fear Not – God’s In This

When the angel informed Joseph of God’s workings regarding Mary, he was willing to go forward with God’s plan. No matter how unconventional God’s plan proves to be, we can go forward if we are confident that God is in it.
Jerry McCorkle
Matthew 1:18–25

Matthew 1:18-25 – You never know what lies on the other side of your obedience!

The Story:

Joseph’s dilemma- “she was found to be with child” (vs.18)

  • Only assumption was that Mary was unfaithful.
  • The law said Joseph had to divorce Mary.
  • Joseph had to be confused, heartbroken and felt betrayed.
  • Joseph loved Mary deeply.

Joseph’s character-“just man” (vs. 19)

  • Shame is the powerful feeling of humiliation.
  • Joseph’s love granted Mary dignity and value.
  • Joseph’s love prevented Mary from being made a spectacle.
  • Joseph was kind and compassionate to someone he perceived had done him wrong.
  • Joseph’s dream – “as he considered these things” (vs.20)
    Joseph had much to ponder and much to fear.
  • God gives grace just at the right time.

Joseph’s fear – “do not fear” (vs. 20)

  • Fear of embarrassment.
  • Fear of ridicule.
  • Fear he wasn’t up to the task.
  • Fear people would not understand the explanation.

Joseph’s obedience- “he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him” (vs. 24)

  • Joseph was brought into a much larger story.
  • Joseph had the privilege of rearing the King of the world.
  • Joseph received the one message that would be the hope of mankind.
  • Joseph’s legacy goes on today.

The Application:

  • How do we treat people who hurt or embarrass us?
  • Fear Not – God will give you the ticket at just the right time.
  • Fear Not – You never know what lies on the other side of your yes!
  • Fear Not – Come to Jesus today.
  • You never know what lies on the other side of your obedience!

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