The One Jesus Didn't Save

As Jesus hung upon the sinner’s cross, people ridiculed His inability to perform one more miracle and escape His death. The greatest miracle of Jesus’ ministry was His commitment to forsake salvation from the cross so that we could experience salvation by the cross.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The One Jesus Didn't Save

As Jesus hung upon the sinner’s cross, people ridiculed His inability to perform one more miracle and escape His death. The greatest miracle of Jesus’ ministry was His commitment to forsake salvation from the cross so that we could experience salvation by the cross.
April 14, 2019
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 15:21-39

The Setting

  • Jesus balked at any notion of diluting the agony of the cross (15:23).
  • Every single detail of the crucifixion was going according to God’s plan.
  • Jesus was ruthlessly mocked for not saving Himself as He had saved others (15:29-32).
  • The ominous darkness revealed the depth of sin’s consequences (15:33).
  • For the first time in His life, Jesus felt the unbearable anguish of a moment’s separation from His Father (15:34).
  • At the moment of Jesus’ atoning death, the barricade separating Mankind from God’s presence was eliminated (15:38).
  • The centurion’s confession is the first time a person confesses the truth we have all been longing to hear: “Truly, this man was the Son of God!” (15:39).

The Significance

  • In Jesus’ sacrifice, He embodied the painful distance from God that sin seeks to accomplish.
  • It is not that Jesus was unable to save Himself, He was unwilling.
  • While our sin exiled us from God’s presence, Jesus’ death welcomed us back.
  • The only person Jesus refused to save was Himself.
  • Jesus was forsaken for your sins so that you could be forgiven by His sacrifice.

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