God and Sinners Reconciled

Just as humanity awaited a Savior to come once before, we now anticipate the return of Christ to usher in His eternal glory. God and sinners will finally and completely be reconciled.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God and Sinners Reconciled

Just as humanity awaited a Savior to come once before, we now anticipate the return of Christ to usher in His eternal glory. God and sinners will finally and completely be reconciled.
December 22, 2024
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Peter 5:10-11
  • You will put unrealistic expectations on this Christmas if you don’t grasp what the first one accomplished.

Reconciliation (5:10a)

  • We do not serve a God who provides partial grace.
  • Salvation is God’s idea, initiation, and implementation. 
  • God’s gift of grace is found in the glory of Christ. 
  • You must believe that God gives grace and that you need it in order to receive it.
  • Suffering every day of your life will seem like a minuscule memory once eternal glory is your reality.

Restoration (5:10b)

  • Restore – You’ve never fallen so low that the God of all creation can’t get you back up again.
  • Establish – God knows the type of sure footing that unsteady followers need.
  • Strengthen – Instead of blaming God for your weaknesses, seek His help to strengthen them.
  • Support – Never let spiritual success intoxicate you to believe you can’t stumble again.

Realization (5:11)

  • It’s one thing to say that God’s in control – it’s another to live like you believe it.
  • I can endure the letdowns of earth because there won’t be any in heaven.
  • We’ve reduced Christ to a seasonal decoration instead of a lifelong devotion.
  • Christ didn’t reconcile us to God so that we could try to live out our lives without Him.

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