The Ending of Hostility

As the United States continues to further the philosophical divide, the greatest point of conflict has to do with how all citizens respond to God. As all nations rage against God, He has a sovereign plan to deal with every single one.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Ending of Hostility

As the United States continues to further the philosophical divide, the greatest point of conflict has to do with how all citizens respond to God. As all nations rage against God, He has a sovereign plan to deal with every single one.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

The Nations Are Hostile Toward God (2:1-3)

  • Every nation throughout history has portrayed a deep hostility toward God's authority.
  • The human heart is seeking independence from God's presence.

The Nations Are Humorous to God (2:4-6)

  • The very fact that God's residence is heaven should remind us of our fickle claim to any type of control.
  • God is more amused by our dealings that He is threatened by them.

The Son Has Authority (2:7-9)

  • God's Son will be given all nations as His heritage.
  • As the divine potter, He is able to shape any king or kingdom for His purpose.

The People Have Responsibility (2:10-12)

  • The wisest leaders are those who lead from a position of being led.
  • Every person will either submit to Jesus or resist Him.

The church's job doesn't change regardless of who is in office.

We will continue to go with the gospel until Jesus comes for us.

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