Islam: Part 1

Through a deeper understanding of this religion, notice the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam.
Taylor Wolfe
Missions Pastor
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Islam: Part 1

Through a deeper understanding of this religion, notice the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam.
October 27, 2024
Taylor Wolfe
Missions Pastor

General Facts

  • Islam means “submission to god”.
  • Islam believes in one god, Allah, and many prophets. 
  • Approximately 1.9 billion people practice Islam, making up the second-largest world religion. 
  • The founder of Islam is Muhammed. 


  • Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet.
  • Islam believes that Ishmael, not Issac, was the heir to Abraham’s promise.
  • Muhammad believed that Jews and Christians got critical passages in the Bible incorrect, and he claimed that the angel Gabriel clarified it for him.

Muhammed, the Quran, and Allah

  • Muhammed 
  • The earliest prophet of Islam. 
  • He believed while on a spiritual journey that, he received revelations from Allah and the angel Gabriel. 
  • According to this encounter, Muslims believe that Muhammed was one of God’s chosen messengers. 
  • The Quran
    • The revelations from God to Muhammed make up Islam’s holy book. 
    • The Quran was formed from companions hearing the revelations Muhammed recited and writing them down.
    • The book is believed to be the last divine book with the last prophet, Muhammed. 
    • The Quran contains no narrative structure and is intended for Muslims to memorize. 
  • Allah
    • The name of the one and only god they worship is Allah. 
    • They believe that this is the same god others worship but is called someone different in other religions. 

Lineage of Islam

  • In the Bible, Abraham and Sarah are the head of the family tree from which Jesus came. 
  • Abraham fathered Isaac, who fathered Jacob, and so on for many generations until the birth of Jesus (Matthew 1). 
  • As the story goes, Abraham had another child before Isaac, Ishmael, with his servant Hagar. 
  • In the Islamic worldview, Muhammad is a descendant of Ishmael, from whom many Arabs have come. 

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