Mission and World Religions

As we undertake the Great Commission, we will share the gospel with people firmly convinced of another religion’s claims. Discover the differences between the major world religions and how the Word interacts with them. 
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Mission and World Religions

As we undertake the Great Commission, we will share the gospel with people firmly convinced of another religion’s claims. Discover the differences between the major world religions and how the Word interacts with them. 
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

According to 1 Corinthians 10:14-22, what is behind this world’s idols and other belief systems?


  • After World War II, a comforting, popular opinion was that all religions were basically attempting to accomplish the same thing.
  • Postmodernism rose in acceptance, claiming that there is no absolute truth.
  • It is disrespectful to all religions to claim no differences in their premises or practices.
  • If two things claim the opposite as true, they cannot be correct in the same way and simultaneously.



  • The beliefs and gods were so varied in India that they used “Hinduism” to unite all the varying expressions of religion in that country.
  • The Hindu belief is that gods can take many forms, but all form one universal spirit called Brahman.
  • Hindus believe in the soul’s reincarnation, which is rebirth after death.
  • Hindus believe the conditions of one’s caste are due to karma – the accumulated good or bad consequences for behavior in previous lives.


  • The first Buddha grew up in a wealthy family but went on a path of self-denial.
  • Under a Bodhi Tree, he was enlightened and discovered the path to address suffering.
  • Buddhists believe in reincarnation, which aims to end all suffering by attaining Nirvana.
  • In Buddhism, gods are irrelevant to the solution – if they help, keep them; if they hinder, ignore them.



  • Judaism believes that Jesus was a false Messiah.
  • The Jewish nation began with God’s blessing of Abraham.
  • What Christians consider the Old Testament would be what they consider the complete Bible.


  • Christianity believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
  • Christians believe that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant.
  • Christians believe that the Old Testament pointed to Jesus, the Gospels portrayed Him, and Acts and beyond teach us how to follow Him.


  • Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet.
  • Islam believes that Ishmael, not Issac, was the heir to Abraham’s promise.
  • Muhammad believed that Jews and Christians got critical passages in the Bible incorrect, and he claimed that the angel Gabriel clarified it for him.

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