What is the Prosperity Gospel?

The prosperity gospel's false teachings rob God, the Creator, of the glory He is due from His creation.
John Austin Roberson
Pastoral Resident

What is the Prosperity Gospel?

The prosperity gospel's false teachings rob God, the Creator, of the glory He is due from His creation.
November 27, 2024
John Austin Roberson
Pastoral Resident

The Definition

The prosperity gospel is a false gospel or message that promises health and wealth. It promises that God desires and even promises Christians that they will live a healthy and wealthy life on this side of eternity. Those that believe in the prosperity gospel may claim that God will bless them with material and worldly items or physical healing if they give enough money to him or people such as prosperity gospel preachers and televangelists that promise abundance. Though we may not realize it, the sad truth is, the prosperity gospel is one of the most popular false teachings in our world today.

The prosperity gospel is ultimately a misinterpretation of Scripture. Those that preach the prosperity gospel often twist Bible verses to fit their teachings of health and wealth. Just a few examples include Mark 10:29-31, Luke 6:38, and John 10:10 to demonstrate that God will bless his people in abundance.

The Demonstration

Though it is not clear when exactly the prosperity gospel began, it is evident that the Apostles dealt with challenges of the false message in the book of Acts. In Acts 8:9-24, there is a man known as Simon the Magician who comes to faith in Jesus. He sees that the Apostles are able to give the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands and offers them money so he can have the same power. In other words, Simon the Magician tried to manipulate God by giving money in return for power. In verse 20, Peter says to Simon the Magician, “may your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!”

The Deception

The prosperity gospel is wrong for at least three reasons. First, the prosperity gospel, in reality, is no real gospel. It offers no real good news and people are left with no real sense of saving faith found in Jesus. People are often left wanting more health or wealth as they cannot find joy and peace in Christ Jesus. The prosperity gospel is anything but prosperous and instead is leaving people down a path away from God for the sake of temporary satisfaction.

Second, the bride of Christ is to be pure. Jesus desires His bride, the Church to be holy and blameless as He laid down His life for her. Purity is not only related to being morally spotless but also related to sound doctrine in order to hold fast to truth.

False teachings of the prosperity gospel robs God, the Creator, of the glory He is due from His creation. In the end, God will gather a multitude from every nation, tribe, tongue, language, and people. The prosperity gospel is a hindrance of God’s beautiful and glorious plan of redemption found in the true gospel.

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