The Best Reason to Make More Money

The desire to get richer for selfish reasons will only lead to an impoverished life. The best reason to make more money is so that you can give it away.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Best Reason to Make More Money

The desire to get richer for selfish reasons will only lead to an impoverished life. The best reason to make more money is so that you can give it away.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Proverbs 11:23-31
  • The value of one’s ambition is determined by the motive (11:23).
  • The willing finds wealth, but the withholding finds want (11:24).
  • You strengthen yourself when you strengthen another (11:25).
  • Positive business practices should be a blessing to all involved (11:26).
  • Expect to reap whatever you sow (11:27).
  • No amount of wealth is secure enough to trust in it (11:28).
  • Don’t make choices for which your family has to pay the consequences (11:29).
  • The most significant investments we can make will have eternal implications (11:30).
  • Each of us will be repaid based on how we lived our lives and how we spent our money (11:31).

Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce (Prov. 3:9).

  • Make more money so that you can invest in more ministry.
  • How could you further honor God with your generosity?

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