God’s Work Done God’s Way

After receiving detailed instructions on how to build the tabernacle, the people archived how they fulfilled them precisely. If we are to complete God’s work, we ought to attempt it in God’s way.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God’s Work Done God’s Way

After receiving detailed instructions on how to build the tabernacle, the people archived how they fulfilled them precisely. If we are to complete God’s work, we ought to attempt it in God’s way.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Exodus 37:1-40:33

Follow the Word; finish the work.


  • God’s people used painstaking precision to ensure they did God’s work God’s way (37:1-38:20; cf. 25:1-30:38).
  • Each servant used their God-given expertise to finish the task and to accomplish what others should not (38:21-31).
  • Those individually ministering were to be thoroughly and undeniably linked to the greater assembly of God’s people (39:1-31).
  • Moses inspected the work according to God’s standard rather than his opinion (39:32-43).
  • Moses could declare the work finished because they followed God’s clear instructions (40:1-33).


  • You aren’t doing God’s work God’s way if your efforts remain:
  • Individualized – A faith that stays isolated seeks more selfish solutions than sacrificial service.
  • Imperceptive – Your legacy will be determined by what you do for those around you and those behind you.
  • Independent – God calls us to pursue biblical paths and abandon personal agendas.
  • Incomplete – If you are frustrated with where you are spiritually, then why are you staying there?

Follow the Word; finish the work.

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