Seeking the Worst Seat

In The Parable of the Wedding Feast, Jesus encouraged His followers to avoid pursuing places of privilege. Exaltation is not attained by proving greatness but by relentlessly prioritizing humility.
Contributing Author
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Pride & Humility

Seeking the Worst Seat

In The Parable of the Wedding Feast, Jesus encouraged His followers to avoid pursuing places of privilege. Exaltation is not attained by proving greatness but by relentlessly prioritizing humility.
Contributing Author
Luke 14:7–11


  • The Pharisees would invite Jesus into their houses but were reluctant to let him into their hearts. (v.1,4,6-7)
  • When Jesus encounters injustice and sin, He must call it out. (V. 2-3,4-5,7)
  • Jesus sought to examine the motivating factors within a person that prompted the outward action (v.11)


  • Pride leads to humiliation. (v.8-9)
  • Humility leads to exaltation (v.10-11)
  • Jesus is the ultimate example of humility. (v.11)


  • Pride before God will lead to our eternal ruin; humility before God will lead to our eternal salvation.
  • Christian identity is ultimately in Christ, not our status, power, authority, or position.
  • Knowing our identity is in Christ, we are free to relentlessly prioritize humility.
  • Ultimate exaltation happens not in this life, but in the next – in the presence of our Savior.

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