Even Kings Bow: Wisdom Requires Humility

If we become so prideful that we despise instruction, then we often lose the fear of the Lord.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist

Even Kings Bow: Wisdom Requires Humility

If we become so prideful that we despise instruction, then we often lose the fear of the Lord.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist

Wisdom Requires Humility

When we are successful, we often tend to believe that we are self-reliant. When we fall into this trap, we elevate the worship of ourselves over the worship of God. The elevation of self-worship causes us to lose all proper perspectives on who God is.

Our tendency is to worship ourselves over God.

Proverbs 1:7 states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

We despise instruction when we think we don’t need it or we are too good for it. If we become so prideful that we despise instruction, then we often lose the fear of the Lord. When this restructuring happens, it exposes our need for humility. Humility brings about a desire for instruction and a proper perspective toward God.

Solomon's Example

Solomon was not a perfect king or a perfect man. However, God guided his wisdom and gave him instruction. Solomon feared the Lord.

In 1 Kings 2:19, we see Solomon’s humility. His mother, Bathsheba, came to speak to him. As Bathsheba approached the king, he arose to greet her. He bowed before her and sat on his throne. But that’s not all. He also called for a second throne so that she may sit at his right hand as they had their conversation.

Here is Solomon, the wisest, richest man in the world. Who models humility towards his mother. We show that we have wisdom in the way we carry ourselves with others. No matter what we possess in life, we must have the humility to possess understanding.

If we do not walk in humility, then it is difficult to have a proper perspective of God and fear Him, the beginning of knowledge.

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