Walking In Integrity

By following God’s advice, believers will inherit accountability and friendship that will help garner a life that glorifies God.
Marty Miller
Student Pastor

Walking In Integrity

By following God’s advice, believers will inherit accountability and friendship that will help garner a life that glorifies God.
Marty Miller
Student Pastor

The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom. The purpose of the book is “to produce the skill of godly living in the reader by wisdom and instruction and to help that individual [us] develop discernment” (MacArthur). In other words, “heed God’s wisdom” and obey His instructions. By doing so, God’s Word protects us and helps us through life’s journey. Time and time again, God’s wisdom has proven to be the best. His wisdom never fails; instead, He always gives the best to His children and can always be trusted.

Walk in the Way of Good

One of the most critical themes in the Bible is to be separate from the world, to avoid the traps this world, namely, the trappings of sin this world offers. Furthermore, the Bible encourages Christ-followers not to seek out or surround your life with ungodly people. For example, Psalms 1 encourages the reader to “walk not in the counsel of the wicked.” Instead, as Proverbs 20:20-21 exhorts, believers are to “walk in the way of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous.” This involves a host of things such as attitudes, speech, actions, non-actions, and the way we live our lives. As believers in Christ, we are to be an example and witness for Christ. In doing so, we will inevitably influence those who do not know Christ; however, we should not seek ungodly counsel or let our lives be marred by those who are unbelievers. Our lives should point others to Jesus.

Walk in Integrity

Walking in godly integrity is a great witness to a lost world.

What does it mean to “walk in integrity?” Many answers could be given to just that one question. The book of Proverbs encourages us to “walk with good men” and “keep the paths of the righteous” (Proverbs 2:20-21). These verses follow the strong warning in Proverbs 2:16-19 to avoid the “forbidden” woman. As the Bible warns, failure to avoid the “forbidden” woman, not to mention all sins, will destroy us. We are to seek God and His life instructions for our lives continually. Specifically, the wisdom and instruction given in Proverbs 2:20-21 are to walk with good men and women, meaning those whose heart is to obey and follow God. By following God’s advice, believers will inherit accountability and friendship that will help garner a life that glorifies God.

Moreover, walking in godly integrity is a great witness to a lost world. It is an excellent testimony to the saving and changing power of Jesus Christ in our lives. In conclusion, Matthew Henry states, “We must avoid the way of evil man, and the strange woman, in order that we may walk in good ways; we must cease to do evil, in order that we may learn to do well.”

May we strive to walk in integrity each and every day to best honor God.


How are you walking in integrity?
Is there anything that you need to repent of to help you be a better witness for Christ?
What are some ways that you can best walk in integrity?


Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus In Proverbs by Daniel Akin and Jonathan Akin

1 Kings 1-11, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes
by John MacArthur

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