God Is On Time

Have you ever felt like you are left waiting on God? Fear not, He is faithful, and always on time. We never need to doubt His timing.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist

God Is On Time

Have you ever felt like you are left waiting on God? Fear not, He is faithful, and always on time. We never need to doubt His timing.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist

In John 11, Lazarus falls ill and dies. Mary and Martha call for Jesus to come, and unlike most close friends and family, Jesus doesn't hurry to see the one he loves before his passing. He stays just where he is for a few days. Three days after the death of Lazarus, Jesus finally shows up. Can we blame Martha for running out to Jesus and asking why he didn't come earlier? Just like Martha, wouldn't we plead, "If you had been here, Lazarus would not have died!" But Jesus is about to show Martha He is always faithful even when He may not seem like it. Just because Jesus doesn't show up when Martha wants him to doesn't mean that Jesus is late.

We can not equate God's faithfulness with our desires of God's timing.

Maybe you have something going on in your life, and you think, "God, I need you now," or, God, I needed you then. There is a storm in your life, and you want God to make it better and for him to be there. But know, even in your waiting, that God is always on time. You may feel that He is four days late, be he is always on time.

Satan wants us to believe that God isn't coming or He doesn't hear us. Rest assured; He is on his way. Jesus is going to show up and show out!

After Martha's confrontation with Jesus, they end up at the tomb where Lazarus is buried a few verses later. Jesus commands them to roll away the stone, and Martha interjects, "But Lord, Lazarus stinks!"

Can you believe it?! Martha complains to Jesus that He didn't move fast enough. When he finally is going to Miraculously raise a dead man, she tries to stop him because Lazarus must stink by this point.

We want to look down on Martha now, but are we, not the same way many times? We want God to work, but if it's not in the way we want or makes us uncomfortable, we run from what He is doing. When you ask for the Lord to do mighty work, be sure you are willing to obey His commands. Trust in the Lord; He will be on time. He is faithful and has not forgotten you.

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