How To Be a Great Church Member

To be a part of a local church means that we give and we receive for the mutual benefit of all members. Discover what differentiates between a stagnate and supportive disciple within this church.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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How To Be a Great Church Member

To be a part of a local church means that we give and we receive for the mutual benefit of all members. Discover what differentiates between a stagnate and supportive disciple within this church.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Thessalonians 5:25–28

Be Thoroughly Prayerful (5:25)

  • Don’t just be the person who shares prayer requests – be the person requesting to pray.
  • If you don’t have a plan to pray for those leading within the church, it probably will never happen.

Be Intentionally Relational (5:26)

  • The gathered church needs to be a consistent source of warm welcomes and reliable relationships.
  • Church personalities and programs can only provide so much – you need partners alongside you.

Be Unapologetically Biblical (5:27)

  • If the Word of God stops being our source of authority, we surrender the right to call ourselves a church.
  • We cannot neglect to teach the whole Word to the entire church.

Be Relentlessly Gracious (5:28)

  • The grace that saves us is the same grace that sanctifies us.
  • If grace permeates our lives, we will never assume that anyone is too far gone.

Guests: Do you need to be a part of this church family?
Members: How could you improve your commitment to this church family?

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1 Thessalonians

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