The Only Approval Required

When we live our lives for Jesus, He is the only affirmation we need to receive. If we can maintain the perspective that we live for an audience of one, we can seek to please Him in every aspect of our lives.
Contributing Author
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The Only Approval Required

When we live our lives for Jesus, He is the only affirmation we need to receive. If we can maintain the perspective that we live for an audience of one, we can seek to please Him in every aspect of our lives.
Contributing Author
1 Thessalonians 2:1–6

Christ’s approval frees us from chasing the approval of others (v. 3-4)

  • We cannot seek the cheers of the crowd and the praise of our Father.
  • The affirmation of man pales in comparison to the affirmation of the Creator of the universe.

Christ’s approval frees us from relying on tricks and flattery to prove our point. (v. 3b & 5)

  • Pleasant speech does not equal a powerful message
  • Smooth talking often covers up harmful realities.
  • A flatterer manipulates rather than communicates

Christ’s approval empowers us to share the gospel with confidence and conviction (v.1-2, 6)

  • Seeking lives to please Christ helps us withstand the attacks of the world.
  • Spreading the gospel is reward in itself.
  • Living for God’s glory emboldens us to proclaim the true gospel without concern about how it will be perceived.

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1 Thessalonians

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