The God of Second Chances

February 26, 2017

Sermon Notes

The God of Second Chances [Jonah 3]
Despite our sin, God provides second chances.  Not only does he show grace to us, but he can show grace through us.

Main Points

  1. No matter how many times I veer off course, God always has a plan for me to arrive at my destination.
  2. Instead of reproofing the messenger, God simply repeats the message.
  3. God doesn’t rub our noses in our mistakes.
  4. As ambassadors, we herald a message that we did not compose.
  5. The serious warning of God’s judgment is a mericful call to repentance.
  6. Revivals often start at the bottom and move their way up.
  7. When we encounter God, all perceived dignity is discarded.
  8. God is more interested with the proof than the promise.
  9. The fact that God relented his plan doesn’t mean that he changed his mind.
  10. God will bring divine disaster on people who are unrepentant of their sinful disaster.
  11. Despite our sin, God provides second chances.  Not only does he show grace to us, but he can show grace through us.