Your Father Isn’t Annoyed by Your Requests

Many of us are lacking certain things because we have simply refused to ask God for them. As our Father, he knows what we need and takes pleasure in giving us good gifts.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Your Father Isn’t Annoyed by Your Requests

Many of us are lacking certain things because we have simply refused to ask God for them. As our Father, he knows what we need and takes pleasure in giving us good gifts.
March 21, 2021
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Matthew 7:7–11

Your Perspective

  • Jesus’ expectations are so intense that prayer is necessary just to attempt them.
  • What does your prayer life reveal about your perspective of God?
  • Most of our prayer problems stem from theological troubles.

Your Requests (7:7-8)

  • Prayer is knowing who to seek regarding the most important matters in life.
  • You ought to be willing to ask, seek, and knock because your Father is eager to answer, reveal, and open.
  • God has never once heard a prayer request that intimidated Him.

Your Father (7:9-11)

  • If you trust the Father heart of God, you will never doubt what He does for you.
  • Jesus warned us not to settle for similar substitutes that will never satisfy.
  • No matter what it is, if God gives it, you can rest assured it is for your good.

Your Prayers

  • Pray acknowledging that your Heavenly Father is absolutely crazy about you.
  • Pray believing that God wants better for you than you want for yourself.
  • Pray knowing that talking with God anytime about anything is always a worthwhile decision.

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