How God Is Revealed Through Names

God has revealed Himself primarily in four overlapping ways. Look at the way God reveals Himself through names.
Marty Miller

How God Is Revealed Through Names

God has revealed Himself primarily in four overlapping ways. Look at the way God reveals Himself through names.
April 30, 2020
Marty Miller

God has revealed Himself primarily in four overlapping ways: 1) actions; 2)names; 3) images; and 4) attributes. RC student has surveyed some of God’s names.

Names in general are ways to identify people, characteristics, and give meaning. In like fashion, God’s names are vitally important because it describes Him in greater depth and in various ways.

How God refers to Himself is very important. “God offers his name as a personal introduction and as a window into his character” (Thoennes).  For example, Psalm 9:10 says, “And those who know your name put their trust in you.” God’s name and character are trustworthy.

And those who know your name put their trust in you

In Exodus 3:15, the specific name that God attributes Himself is the name Yahweh, translated “Lord.”  That specific name is packed with theological importance. Eric Thoennes, in regard to the name Yahweh, writes, “It most likely communicates God’s self-existence, independence, self-sufficiency, eternality, and unchanging character.” God is the great and mighty I AM, the One who is faithful, just, holy, and righteous.

There are other well- known names for God that reveals Who He is. These names are a tremendous help in understanding God’s attributes and characteristics. For example, the name Jehovah-Jireh means “God who provides” (Genesis 22:9-14). Undoubtedly, God provides for all our needs.

God provides for all our needs. He is Jehovah-Jireh

The name Jehovah-Shalom, found in Judges 6:16-24, explains that God is the “God of peace.” God is the ultimate example of peace. Scripture also teaches that God is the God Who heals, therefore, He is given the name Jehovah-Rophe, which means “God heals” (Exodus 15:22-26).  Our God is also the Master and Lord of everything. The name Adonai is given to him in Scripture. In fact, in 2 Samuel 7:18-20 David expresses his gratitude to the Lord God in his prayer. Lastly, the name El-Shaddai is an important name for God. The name is used in Genesis 17:1 when God tells, “I am God Almighty.”

God’s names reveal a tremendous amount of information. In fact, His names gives believers greater insight into how majestic, powerful, and loving He is. Also, His names help to explain characteristics about Him that help believers understand His holiness. Our God is a God who provides, heals, loves, and is the Lord Almighty.

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