Wiki God: Editing God

It doesn’t matter what you or I think about God. It matters what God thinks about God.
Marty Miller

Wiki God: Editing God

It doesn’t matter what you or I think about God. It matters what God thinks about God.
May 14, 2020
Marty Miller

Wiki God

Travis Agnew’s book Wiki God: The Dangerous Editable Deity is extremely helpful to our recent study of God’s attributes. In his book, Travis Agnew addresses God’s attributes and explains how they have been “edited” to fit what society believes about God. One may ask, “Why is it called Wiki God?” In the first chapter of the book Agnew explains his reasons for its naming. He writes, “Wiki is a type of website that allows collaborative editing of its written content. You don’t have to be an expert in computer coding or even the specific topic at hand before you are given complete expressive license to create and to edit the matter of such a site. The only expertise that is needed to contribute is the ability to think somewhat coherently and to express oneself through typed communication.”

It doesn’t matter what you or I think about God. It matters what God thinks about God.

At times people are prone to take what God has said in Scripture and make it into what they want it to say. By doing so,  God can then be what anyone wants Him to be. Agnew writes, “ We copy a belief from another religion and paste it over into our own.” Meaning, we change it, twist it, or edit it to make it more comfortable to what we want it to say or feel rather than what God’s Word plainly says. The truth, God’s love, compassion, justice, and attributes are found within His Word. God’s truth, however, is often questioned due to skeptics. These are people who doubt the validity and truth of God’s Word. Moreover, skeptics take the truth of God’s Word and form opinions that stand as a standard for them and others. Travis Agnew, however, rightly warns, “Allowing everyone to come up with their unique version of God does not help us come closer to understanding God.” There are simply just some things that are absolutely true about God and no man can change that no matter how much they wish they could.

Who do you say that I am?

Our current culture has a problem with truth. Often, truth is masked, hidden, twisted, distorted, and so much more. For the disciples, they got to see and experience God’s truth up close and personal in their relationship with Jesus. After His miracles and teachings, Jesus asks the Apostle Peter and disciples an important question. Matthew 16:13 records Jesus’ question. He asks, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is? They responded with several answers. Matthew 16:14 says, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Jesus becomes more pointed in his question. In Matthew 16:15 Jesus asks, “Who do you say that I am?” The Apostle Peter rightly responds, “ You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Absolute Truth

Absolute truth does exist and is found within God’s Word. When humanity tries to distort or edit God, it inevitably turns evil. Think of all the cults that have edited God’s Word to make it fit into what their group or leader wants it to say. God’s Word confronts us and makes commands a decision. “Will we accept God’s Word or attempt to make it fit our agenda?” (Agnew)

That is one of the most important questions of our times. “When God’s descriptions of God’s character within God’s Word confronts our claims to individualistic theorizations, we are each forced to respond.” (Agnew) Humanity will have to make a choice to believe and trust God, mix His truth with other things, or abandon His truths altogether. In conclusion, Agnew writes, “I don’t want your version of God. You don’t need my version of God. We just desperately need God."


Wiki God: The Dangerous Editable Deity by Travis Agnew

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