Broken Bones

When King David was supposed to be winning the battle on the field, he stayed home and lost the battle within his heart. Sin can start with being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Broken Bones

When King David was supposed to be winning the battle on the field, he stayed home and lost the battle within his heart. Sin can start with being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
July 16, 2017
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 51 and 2 Samuel 11-12

Caught (2 Samuel 11-12)

  • Sin can start with being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • Our vulnerability can often come from a lack of accountability.
  • Sin can be covered temporarily by an additional sin or eternally by an unconditional Savior.
  • No amount of coverup will ever be able to protect your sin from being noticed by God.

Convicted (Ps. 51:1-8)

  • There’s a difference in being sorry that you sinned and sorry that you got caught.
  • You can’t be justified by God if you are still trying to justify your sin.
  • Sometimes the most gracious act that God can do is to break the consistently wandering heart.
  • While God carries us in our brokenness, we become so accustomed to his presence that we find it difficult to stray again.

Cleaned (Ps. 51:9-19)

  • There is a forgiveness so thorough that sin’s record can be erased.
  • If there is a true profession of faith, there will be a true progression of faith.
  • Receiving grace should lead to revealing grace.

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