Steady Steps

As I review this year’s stories and consider next year’s initiatives, I am more convinced than ever that we must be a church unwaveringly committed to God’s Word. Let’s take steady steps together.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

Steady Steps

As I review this year’s stories and consider next year’s initiatives, I am more convinced than ever that we must be a church unwaveringly committed to God’s Word. Let’s take steady steps together.
January 17, 2024
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

When surrounded by people falling along the way, we must ensure that we are stabilizing our pace as we seek to follow Jesus. It’s important to ground ourselves in the promises of God’s Word.

Make my steps steady through your promise; don’t let any sin dominate me.

Psalm 119:133

Steady steps.

It’s what we all need. We live in shaky times with many people wandering off the path, but we must not lose our way. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we must stand upon His promises and forsake any sin that threatens to master us. We desire God’s Word to steady our steps as we follow Him.

That’s our goal for 2024. As a church, we want you to grow as a disciple and disciple maker. Scripture can direct our paths, so we will focus strategically on what and how we must study this year. We are stepping up our intention to align all environments and content so that we can thoroughly equip you to take personal responsibility for Kingdom activity. We have provided outstanding yet isolated opportunities to grow in the past, but this year, we are tethering them together like never before.

Partly for that reason, this year’s magazine differs slightly from previous editions. We are calling this piece Outlook. As a companion guide for our monthly Quicklook video series emailed to members, we want this publication to celebrate what Jesus did in 2023 and anticipate what He will do in 2024.

What’s different from the prior editions is that we are not including any annual report type of metrics. Due to the time of printing and the year’s final Waypoint, we never have tidy end-of-the-year numbers, so we want this to be a review and preview piece, but we will provide the budget as a standalone document and an annual report after the first of the year.

As I look over this year’s stories and consider next year’s initiatives, I am more convinced than ever that we must commit to being a church unwaveringly committed to God’s Word. Let’s make steady steps together.

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