When God Confronts Pride

In the final five plagues, God humbles a man who considers himself a god and a people who thought themselves untouchable. God opposes the proud and will use any means necessary to humble us.

March 26, 2023

Sermon Notes


6. Boils (9:8-12) – Imhotep, the god of healing, could not cure the Egyptians of this intense sickness.

7. Hail (9:13-35) – The goddess of weather, Tefenet, could not create or thwart a storm like the one targeting Egyptians.

8. Locusts (10:1-20) – Locusts consumed all the vegetation, unable to be protected by Min, the god of the crops. 

9. Darkness (10:21-29) – Amon-Re, the god of the sun, or his claimed son, Pharaoh, could not illuminate Egypt when the LORD turned out the lights. 

10. Passover (11:1-10) – Pharaoh, the firstborn of Egypt’s nobility, was rendered helpless to oppose God or protect his people.


  • God used an unrepentant man as an invitation for others to believe (9:16).
  • Some Egyptians began to show indications of faith in God and His Word (9:20).
  • As Pharaoh buckled from these attacks, he still refused thorough repentance (9:27).



  • Sin distorts us so much that we are ashamed for others to see us as we are.
  • Pride not only endangers you but also devastates everyone around you.
  • God isn’t entertaining your negotiations; He’s waiting for your surrender.