Overlooking Personal Disobedience

Overlooking Personal Disobedience [Mal. 2:17-3:5] - The people of God wanted God to confront rebellious sinners, and they didn’t realize that effort would include them. It is easy to be disgusted with others’ sins while justifying our own.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Overlooking Personal Disobedience

Overlooking Personal Disobedience [Mal. 2:17-3:5] - The people of God wanted God to confront rebellious sinners, and they didn’t realize that effort would include them. It is easy to be disgusted with others’ sins while justifying our own.
November 10, 2019
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Malachi. 2:17-3:5

God Confronts (2:17)

  • When God fails to meet our expectations in how He responds to others, we set our opinions over His judgments.
  • There’s a difference between questioning God’s methods and criticizing them.

God Comes (3:1)

  • The fact that God had to send a messenger to clear the path revealed that His people hadn’t removed every hindrance to encounter Him.
  • God’s people longed for a King to conquer outsiders, but instead, Jesus came as Lord to confront insiders.

God Purifies (3:2-4)

  • The people were too unclean to stand before the Lord, so He cleansed them Himself.
  • The Refiner’s job is incomplete until the filth is burned away, and His reflection is restored through the fire.

God Testifies (3:5)

  • Every sin will be accounted for, and every sinner will be dealt with in God’s perfect timing.
  • We often want God to confront the sins around us but not the sins within us.
  • God, forgive me for the disgust I have for others’ sins while attempting to justify my own wretched disobedience.

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