Reserved Seating

David showed kindness to disabled Mephibosheth by carrying him to the king’s table. Seated with the King of kings, our brokenness is hidden and God’s favor is restored.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Reserved Seating

David showed kindness to disabled Mephibosheth by carrying him to the king’s table. Seated with the King of kings, our brokenness is hidden and God’s favor is restored.
July 2, 2017
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
2 Samuel 9

The King’s Pursuit (2 Sam. 9:1-5)

  • The king was more concerned with keeping his promise than he was securing his protection.
  • Grace seeks out those who are unqualified to give them what is undeserved.
  • Grace finds us hiding helplessly in barren places.

The Servant’s Response (2 Sam. 9:6-8)

  • Being discovered by the king while in hiding is not a welcomed encounter.
  • The king showed kindness based on the promise of his word and for the sake of the father.
  • You can’t appreciate the King’s amazing grace until you accept the King’s appropriate wrath.

The Table’s Arrangement (2 Sam. 9:9-13)

  • Grace transforms fugitives into family.
  • Grace restores what was lost, provides what was lacking, and covers what was broken.
  • When the king makes you his own, you will forever feast at his table.
  • Rom. 5:6-10 – While we were still weak, while we were still sinners, while we were his enemies
  • I am Jesus’ Mephibosheth.

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