I Am Barabbas

Intending to rid himself of the responsibility of Jesus’ death, Pilate assumed the people would choose Jesus over Barabbas to be the one prisoner released at that year’s Passover. Instead, the people chose to free a sinful criminal and condemn the sinless Messiah.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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I Am Barabbas

Intending to rid himself of the responsibility of Jesus’ death, Pilate assumed the people would choose Jesus over Barabbas to be the one prisoner released at that year’s Passover. Instead, the people chose to free a sinful criminal and condemn the sinless Messiah.
April 7, 2019
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 15:1-15

Charged (15:1-5)

  • After being betrayed and beaten throughout the night, Jesus is bound and delivered to Pilate early on Friday morning (15:1).
  • As the governor, Pilate’s only concern is if Jesus is a threat to his control or his comfort (15:2-3).
  • While Jesus has never been short on words, He is intentionally quiet throughout this entire proceeding (15:4-5).

Condemned (15:6-15)

  • To seek favor with the people, Pilate would allow a criminal on death row to go free on the Passover (15:6).
  • Barabbas was a guilty murderer whose crime was seeking to rid his life of unwanted authority (15:7).
  • Out of all the men that could have been pitted against Jesus that day, Barabbas’ name means “Son of the Father.”
  • Pilate’s question is the most appropriate to ask: “Why, what evil has He done?” (15:14).
  • The sinner is cleared for salvation while the sinless is condemned for crucifixion (15:15).

Crowned (15:16-20)

  • After almost beating him to death, the battalion’s attempt to humiliate him reveal the charges made against him (15:16).
  • These Roman soldiers were unknowingly fulfilling Jewish prophecies about the Messiah (15:17-19).
  • The righteous Son of the Father is condemned to die so that the rebellious son of the father can be forgiven to live (15:20).
  • Jesus never attempted to be freed instead of Barabbas because He came for the purpose of securing freedom for Barabbas.
  • Barabbas is a physical representation of a spiritual reality for every one of us.

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